Don’t Forget Your Clear Purse for the Game!

Let’s face it ladies, we all like the opportunity to get to buy new gear!  Well, the NFL gave us a great reason to go shopping back in 2016 when they required that visitors for all NFL games ditch their regular purses and instead use clear purses, bags or totes that are no larger than 12” x 12” x 6”.  (BTW, this policy doesn’t apply to items that can fit in a pocket, so if you travel light – phone, lip gloss, and credit card, you’re already good.)

Yaayyy, so I get to go shopping?!? Amazon here I come! Or…Macys….or…or the CVS down the street … or (for something custom). Decisions, decisions!

OK and what style? Cross body, fanny pack, clutch, backpack? What accent colors – black to go with everything or red for my fav pro team or my college’s orange? Pocket on the outside or no pocket? What’s my budget? Fancy or functional? Designer?  Any reliable manufacturers? Will I use it later to throw cosmetics in or extras at the beach or for a concert?  I called my girlfriend, Lauren to find out if she had one, and of course she did given that she goes to Atlanta Falcons games regularly.  She ordered her cross body on Amazon and got it in a couple of days.

So I began my search online with my water bottle and lap top (so I can see the images even better). I shopped for products at Walmart to Nordstroms and because I’ve been a backpack girl for the last 5 years, I narrowed down my options to only look at backpacks.

After about 15 minutes, 40 image clicks, and 15 review reads the pictures and descriptions began running together, so I started over with a Google search and… then poof! There she was – on a discount website called “Wish”! It’s the typical shape that I like a lot in a backpack with a foldover closure and drawstring underneath, and came with an additional inside bag and even said that the normal price was $110.00 (for a clear vinyl backpack – year right), but I paid right around $30 with taxes and shipping.  I decided to order in black so that it will go with everything, and its supposed to arrive anywhere from 5 days to 3 weeks. 

I’m excited about the arrival of this novel and necessary gear, and my new concern will be whether or not I will be able to keep the inside neat! Will I still be able to just stuff extra napkins in there, along with loose change, gum, extra vitamins (what?  doesn’t everyone carry extra fish oil?), and

I’ll keep you posted on my new clear football/concert/beach purse. I’d love to know what your clear purse looks like.  The first two people who send me a pic will get a What Just Happened Sports tshirt. Email me at


Lessons from an Epic Woman